Crooked Lake
Crooked Lake, Photo taken by Ryan Mackie
Crooked Lake is one of the kettle lakes in Tully, NY. It is 115 acres, 68 foot deep and is great for swimming, fishing and boating. There are 61 year-round homes on Crooked Lake including 21 households with deeded access. The Crooked Lake Homeowners Association (CLHOA) prohibits gas powered watercraft (or other vehicles). It is a very clean, peaceful lake which is approximately 20 minutes south of Syracuse NY and just a half mile from Song Mountain Ski Resort. ll property owners who have direct shoreline or deeded access to Crooked Lake are eligible for membership in CLHOA. CLHOA works in the interest of all Crooked Lake property owners whether they choose to be active dues paying members or not.
CLHOA communicates to all lake property owners by mail, flyers, emails etc. Communications range from information on CLOHA activities/projects, the lake’s health and water quality trends, upcoming lake or community events, lost pets, errant boats or swim floats, suspicious activities in the neighborhood etc. .
To help preserve our Lake and Property Values we expect all CLHOA members to:
Prohibit the use of any motorized watercraft other than those powered by muscle, wind of battery/electric motor(s).
Not participate in any property transaction that results in multiple lot use of a single lake access point. (Keyholing is now forbidden by Tully town law.)
Not participate in any commercial Natural Resource extraction from Crooked Lake.
Take all reasonable and necessary steps to prevent introduction of invasive species. Our lake does not have invasive species like Eurasian Milfoil, Zebra Mussels or Hydrilla that plague some lakes. Guest boats are a concern and we strongly encourage all those who bring boats from other water bodies to practice good boat hygiene.
Quite often kettles are perfectly round. Another kettle lake of Tully, Tracy Lake, is a good example of this. Other times, kettles can be extremely irregular in shape. Crooked Lake is a good example of this as it winds in and out with many coves and several small islands.