An Idea
C-OFOKLA began in September 25, 2008 when the Song Lake Property Owners Association hosted an informal gathering to meet the neighboring association members and learn about water issues in our region. Residential stormwater management education was presented by Onondaga County’s Cornell Cooperative Extension and invasive species information was presented by Cortland County’s Cornell Cooperative Extension.
On December 30, 2008, we held the initial meeting of lake associations with 20 members representing four central New York lakes. Attendees included board and committee members from the Song Lake Property Owners’ Association, Crooked Lake Homeowners’ Association, Tully Lake Property Owners’ Association, and Little York Lake Improvement Society. The meeting was facilitated by Anne Saltman, Senior Planner, Central New York Regional Planning and Development Board.
Current Work
C-OFOKLA is now a recognized New York State Corporation with 501(c)(3), non profit status, under the US Interal Revnue Code.
With the mission of education and awareness, each of our meetings begins with a 20 to 30 minute presentation from professionals in water quality issues.
Photo Credit, Milky Way Over Tully Lake, Mark Druziak